Sunday we were part of a church-wide flash mob! Jealous? Well, you should be because it was awesome! All five campuses of Second met at Discovery Green, a park in Houston, to spread the message of Easter and get our groove on.
Friends from our Sunday School class, Cord, were there to get down with us. Shout out to Meredith, Andrew, Catherine, Colby, Emily and Jamos! We practiced weeks beforehand. Not gonna lie, we were a little unsure of how it would all come together, but it was amazing!
Everyone bought and wore a new pair of shoes. As the dance came to an end, over a thousand people took off their shoes, leaving them on the field to be picked up and given to people in need. Each pair of shoes will be given to those in Houston and on international mission trips within the next year. It was such a moving experience. Each time I watch the video I get a little emotional looking at all of those shoes laying on the lawn. Even more amazing: our "seasoned" pastor, Dr. Ed Young, danced alongside us in Row 12.
You can check out the video here. Beware: there is a Danielle look-a-like in a pink shirt. You will think it is me, I wish it was, but it's not. If you want to find us, pause the group shot and look for the tiny blue and purple dot on the Left side of the screen about halfway back. Good luck!

LOVE THIS! I am sharing this with so many people right now. I love that the church did this. A great message.