Mr. Tate "smarty pants" Barrett is officially on the road to getting his doctorate in Environmental Science. Don't feel confused, it was somewhat of a surprise to us too. You see about a year ago, we decided to leave our dear friends, and shoebox of an apartment, in the great city of Houston. Why? To move to Waco for Tate to go to graduate school. Two years, that was the plan. Two very temporary years in Waco...or so we thought.
As Tate successfully made it through his first year, immersed in air samples and grant proposals, he found out he loved every crazy, busy moment saving the planet. And not so surprisingly, Baylor loved him too, duh, it was a mutual relationship. As Spring semester was getting started, his graduate advisor strongly encouraged him to apply to the Ph.D. program, known as the TIEEES program. Whhhhat? Someone tell her this was not the original plan. We are supposed to be halfway done by now.
As Tate was being encouraged to stay and do research on black carbon a little longer {P.S. I have recently learned " a little longer" is the equivalent to 4 years.}, I was taking Wrigley for walks along the Brazos and praying that God would change my heart if this is where he wanted us to be. I was so happy for his opportunity, but a little hesitant about deterring from the Plan. The more we thought about it, the more it seemed like we were being blessed with a gift we just couldn't turn down. We found out Tate was being offered a full ride scholarship for 4-5 years {but we are really shooting for 4}, including a stipend and a Research Assistant position, not to mention, Tate would be getting a higher education in something he is truly passionate about. However, there were only two available spots in the program.
Amidst the craziness, he was quickly accepted! Way to go TEB future Ph.D.! We are proud of you, say, we are proud of you, HEY HEY HEY! The Lord is faithful, as He has not only given us a wonderful opportunity, but is slowly changing my heart with every step of the process as well. Tate will officially switch tracks from Masters to P.h.d. student this Fall, continuing his research on the "effects of black carbon and particulate matter on the global climate system" or in regular peoples' terms-- Is that black stuff gonna melt the ice?
**TIEEES Balderdash Challenge: Whoever can come up with their best version of what you think TIEEES stands for wins! Ready, set, go...