
tollesons come to youston

Oh hello, long time no...type? A lot Some stuff has gone on in the lives of the Baylor Barretts since I've seen you last. Where to begin...

Shawn and Lynley made the 5 1/2 hour trip down 45 a few weekends ago to visit us in Houston. I say 5 1/2 due to the fact they took the scenic route, seeing an extra hour and a half of the greater Houston area. It was so great to spend time with them, especially since it was Shawn's last weekend before he shipped out for Spring training in Arizona. 
They got here late Friday night and we ate dinner at the apt. I'm used to cooking for my ironman-in-the-making and not accustomed to cooking for pro baseball players. Shawn went back for seconds and came back to the table with 2 carrots, a sliver of chicken and spoonful of mashed potatoes. It was great, but not near enough. Lesson learned. 
Saturday morning the husbands went for a Saturday morning workout while others slept in well, I would say slept in, but 11:00 AM is considered early morning for Lynley. Later we went to lunch at Little Bigs, jockeying for a table in the sunshine, preferably by the golden retriever. Lunch was followed by a tour of Houston's finest sights- The Beercan House. Yep, you guessed it- a house made entirely out of beercans. I don't know if I am proud or ashamed to admit this fine establishment is located not too far from our apartment. Sounds trashy, but looks amazing  pretty cool. and shiny. This man drank 39,000 beers over a period of 18 years to complete this lustrous  project. His family must have been so proud? As we parked the car and got out to take a quick picture, we found out this place is actually a "museum." I use the term "museum" loosely (hence the quotes), considering we paid $8 to look at nothing but an old house adorned with few beer quotes from Mr. Beer Man himself. Ok- I just realized I am spending way too much time on the Beercan House...moving on!

The rest of the afternoon was filled with guacamole, watching Baylor basketball on the air mattress and Scattegories. For dinner we took our guests to Houston's own Escalantes. Always good! Later we met friends at Barcadia to play some old school arcade games. Sad to say, my hand was sore the next day from too much Track and Field. Sunday we got up, went to our new Sunday School class, Cord, and had lunch with friends at Five Guys. It was a great weekend with the sis and bro! I am so honored they would spend their last Texas weekend with us. Love you guys and can't wait to get to Arizona or where ever Shawn will be to do it again! 

Stay tuned, more catching up with the Baylor Barretts is coming soon! 
Coming Attractions: Valentine's Day and Waco Weekend  

1 comment:

  1. Five Guys Burgers is great! And I have lived in the Houston area all my life and have never known about the Beercan House. Where is this? I have to go!
