
the waiting game

As many of you know Tate is {hopefully} going to graduate school come August. woo woo! {this sound is much like that of Bubb Rubb's whistle tips} You may be wondering, Why is he going back to school? Well, maybe he wants to further his education, or maybe he wants to continue on his never ending quest for knowledge, or maybe, just maybe, he is tired of calling me "Master Barrett" and wants to share the title.

Either way, the GRE has been dominated and the applications have gone out. Now...we...wait...
We wait until March to hear back from following schools in no particular order: TCU, Baylor, Arizona State and Duke. If it were up to Grandma Flo, she would pick them in that exact order to ensure we don't get too far away from her. If it were up to our friend and fellow Houstonian, Meredith, she would pick Rice, which you notice is not on the list. However, she has added a "miraculous scholarship to Rice" to our prayer request list in our small group thrice, so we shall see.

Although we don't know where we will be just yet, this grad school thing is nothing new. Tate has been talking about going back to school since we were engaged. For some reason, it never dawned on me that if he went through with this whole process, I too would go through my own version of it on the job front. When I said "yeah, babe, sounds great, go get em!" It hadn't hit me yet that I too would need a pep talk to  fill out applications, update my resume, schedule interviews and pray for direction. Well now that I think about it, it's probably a good thing I didn't think it through.

Tate's application process is complete, and now mine begins. It's such a helpless feeling, waiting to hear back. Knowing that someone is looking at you on paper, reviewing your life's accomplishments and deciding if you are worthy for their cause. Yikes! It's down right scary.

This is somewhat off topic, but hang in there because it will come full circle:
I am reading the Bible through in a year {as I just admitted this to all of you, I am hoping it will hold me accountable to follow through}. Finishing the book of Mark, I am reminded of story after story pertaining to people of bold faith.  Real people that believed, without doubt, that Jesus would meet their need and in turn were restored. Currently, God is dealing with my heart in this area--unadulterated faith. Not just asking for something to happen, but confidently knowing that God will see it through. I am leaning on this as we move into this next chapter of our life. With legitimate worries buzzing through my head, I have the confidence that God will provide. Provide direction for school, provide the means to make it happen, provide a job in that area, and provide a beautiful golden retriever puppy :)

I am anxious, yet excited, about the new chapter that is already being written! There are so many new things to come, so many things to do and so many things to look forward to. However, all we need to do now is...wait...


  1. Just reading this reminds me how amazing both of you are. God is good and He will lead. Love you both.

  2. Good Luck Tate! I have a quick question about project 365. How did you get it in a sidebar? I want to start one when me and Paul get married but I haven't figured out how you set yours up. I love it!

  3. i know it's pretty obviously that I will not be happy come the fall. But! I will be joyful that the Lord is doing great things and His plan is perfect!

    ....and because grad school is only 2 years.

  4. Hey Danielle, it was great to see you guys this weekend! Good luck with your grad school/job search situation. We went through this exact same thing 2 years ago, and it somehow all worked out just like everyone said it would. Hang in there!
