
30 weeks: head of cabbage

You're 30 weeks this week and 3/4 of the way to D-day {delivery day}! You are roughly 16 inches long and weigh about 3 pounds. Hmmm, I've gained about 22 pounds thus far, so not sure where that extra 19 pounds is hiding...oh wait! Yes I do, it's in my thighs. Whatevs. It's a small price to pay for our little head of cabbage. You are still kickin' and groovin' away and apparently have regular waking/sleeping cycles now. However, I still mostly feel you at night when I lay down...you gotta get that figured out. Laying down= night time. We will work on that later, I guess. Your room is almost finished! I'm having some seriously crazy acid reflux and am feeling pretty exhausted, but I am told that is completely normal, so I think that's a sign that things are going well! 10 more weeks! 

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